Monday, October 31, 2011

Do What You Love

One thing I learned at art school was that no one is born an artist. To be great at any art, thousands of hours have to be spent practicing and producing garbage and then you have to be told it's garbage several times so you know what to improve. If you survive all that, you may be able to produce something you can be proud of. If you love doing it, nothing will get in the way of you practicing your art. (Including one or two jobs that you have to keep to pay the bills.) (-;

 To get some good practice in, I have posed a challenge for this week (Monday - Friday). I got this idea from NPR's Three Minute Fiction challenge, where you write a story that only takes three minutes or less to read. Since they are so short, one should be written every day for the next five days. Each story should contain a beginning, middle, and end. And just to add to the challenge, I'm going to add that you have to include at least 3 of the five senses.

 The beauty of this exercise is that the stories don't have to be any good, they just have to be finished. As a writer, one of the biggest things that gets in the way of my writing is that I second guess what I'm doing, over think it, and then freeze up. I believe that's one of the biggest causes for "writer's block" (with me anyway). Has anyone else ever experienced "writer's block"? Do you do anything to work past it?

 So do we have any other writers out there that will join me in this challenge?

 Also, since it is Halloween, I wrote a poem for my lovely room mate on our whiteboard. I have posted a picture of it for you all to enjoy! Safe trick-or-treating today, everyone!

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